You are looking for new degus or want to supplement your knowledge of the attitude, diet, colors or genetics? The various sub-pages are available for these topics - for further questions contact form may be used.
We are an official breeder of
1. Deutschen Degu-Zuchtverein e.V.
(1. German Degu Breeding Club)
The Degu-Zuchtverein e. V. founded in 2021 in a merger of different degu breeders. Our goals are the open documentation of our breeding, the promotion of professional exchange among breeders, as well as the setting of breed standards, the uniform description of the coat color and its characteristics.
We are officially a member of the
"Degus International Association - DIA"
The DIA was founded on February 29, 2012. Today the association unites 6 different countries and 18 cities. Our goal is to breed healthy and beautiful animals and provide new owners with all the information they need to keep their Degus with a high standard.